European BMX champion Shanase Reade will join hundreds of riders and skateboarders for a skate jam spectacular in Bradford this New Year's Eve.

The 12-year-old from The Right Track BMX club in Bradford will mix with top BMX racers from across the district in the Alhambra Studio for the free Bradford Council-organised event.

Skate Jam is one of series of events being staged on New Year's Eve by the Council and supported by the Millennium Commission.

A BMX track will be built inside the theatre featuring a two-metre high mini ramp and a special circuit to test the skills of the riders.

Experts from The Right Track including Shanase, who is also the national number one, will display their talents and help budding enthusiasts get to grips with the track.

The aim of the day is to encourage young people to take up speed sports such as BMX riding, skateboarding and freestyle skating and is also backed by the police.

Chris Evans, The Right Track chairman, said: "We hope Shanase and some of the other top riders from our club including the national number three Jeremy Hayes and his son Jordan Hayes, who is the national number seven in his age group, will there on the day.

"But we also want lots of street riders to come along and try the track out themselves. The whole principle of the day is to get the average kid interested in one of these speed sports.

"Our work with The Right Track reaches hundreds of local kids and the specially created circuit at the Alhambra Studio promises to be a real treat for experienced and novice riders.

"As with every event we are involved in, safety comes first and every rider will go through a full safety check."

Council leader Councillor Margaret Eaton said the event would provide a platform for Bradford's 20/20 Vision of developing local pride in the community.

She said: "Bradford Council's Millennium celebrations aim to appeal to all sections of the community and all ages and this free event is sure to get things off on the right track!"

Skate jam takes place between 11am and 5.30pm on Sunday, December 31, in the Alhambra Studio.