Plans for a £300,000 bingo and gaming centre in Shipley have been approved - despite fears it will attract children and to the fury of ward councillors.

The centre will have all-cash fruit machines and be in a unit at the market square, close to bus shelters.

All three ward councillors and Shipley Town Centre Development Partnership opposed the plan because they said children waiting at nearby bus stops may be attracted into the premises. They said there were already too many gaming centres in the town.

But Bradford licensing panel last night approved applications from Teddy Clark Limited of Hull for permits which will allow it to run both gaming machines and bingo.

Peter Rochelle, who already runs the Sun Spot Arcade in the town centre, told the panel there were already three amusement centres near the market square and another on Shipley Glen and business throughout the industry was dwindling.

But Roger Etchells, representing the company, said it was planning a £300,000 refurbishment of the unit which was currently empty and the windows would have an attractive shop appearance.

William Clark, who attended on behalf of his company, said time would prove the decision right. "It will enhance Shipley town centre and bring trade into the area," he said.

But Councillor Phil Thornton (Lab, Shipley East), said: "It's very bad news for Shipley. It will certainly damage the image of the town. It's opposite the school bus stop used by hundreds of children."