Young people are a particular target of a new cash pot for improvements in the Highfield area of Keighley.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to community or voluntary groups for projects that will benefit residents.

Play areas, safety improvements, clean-ups and better facilities for local people are among priorities of the Highfield Community Fund.

The money comes from the £4 million awarded to Highfield by the government through the Single Regeneration Budget.

A panel of SRB members and local residents will next week consider the first applications for grants from the fund.

They are particularly looking for projects that reflect SRB priorities, such as making the area safer and cleaner, and providing better community and play facilities.

The aim is to stimulate community activity, specifically within the Highfield SRB area, which does not cover the whole of Highfield.

Applicants must ensure they can match the amount of funding they are asking for, because every £1 of grant money must be matched by cash from other sources.

Councillor Lynne Joyce, who chairs the Highfield SRB committee, says she is keen to see the fund do something to make the area more attractive to youngsters.

"Highfield SRB has succeeded in generating interest from just about every sector in the community, except young people," she says.

"There is not much for youngsters to do in the area, and we are keen to help. We really want young people themselves to become actively involved so we can work out their priorities."

Cllr Joyce urges people to get in touch if they have an idea for a project focussing on the needs of Highfield's young people.

The panel will discuss applications on Wednesday. Contact Highfield SRB manager Tony Mullin on 01535 618095 for an application form or to discuss an idea.