A leading Keighley councillor has blasted plans to close village police stations and scrap community bobbies.

Councillor Barry Thorne, pictured, a Labour member of Bradford council's ruling executive, claims councillors were not consulted on the far-reaching changes.

His comments were echoed this week by politicians of all parties, including Shipley Tories, who launched a "Keep Our Police" campaign.

Keighley police refuse to reveal details of local changes -- part of a district-wide review -- but it is feared Haworth and Silsden police stations will shut.

Community constables covering the Bracken Bank, Fell Lane and Lund Park areas are expected to be put back on normal duties.

Cllr Thorne says he was outraged by the lack of consultation and now has no confidence in the police or its leadership.

He says: "We haven't even had the courtesy of a letter, but we're always being asked by the police for money for anti-crime measures.

"The police are there as public servants, so they should be consulting their local community. It's two-fingers to the people who have been elected.

"The councillors in Keighley from all parties are very responsible. They've never been anti-police. We've always supported them." Cllr Thorne believes community constables are vital in helping the police build-up trust and find out what is going on.

West Yorkshire Police say there are no planned station closures, and there will be no loss of frontline officers.