A teacher today made a heartfelt plea for thieves to return a set of photographs of her "pride and joy'' vintage car.

An album containing 24 colour photos of Gill Lindsay's red and black 1933 Wolseley 9 was stolen after her daughter's car was broken into.

The green Daewoo hatchback was targeted in Bailey Hills Road, Bingley, between 10.30pm and 11.30pm on Friday.

The photo album was in a bag containing clothing.

The pictures show the saloon car under restoration, being used for friends' weddings and at various rallies where it has been shown.

Mrs Lindsay, 56, of Harden, bought the car - one of only a handful of Wolseley 9s still in existence and now valued at £10,000 - eight years ago.

She said: "The pictures have no value at all but to me are absolutely irreplaceable."

Mrs Lindsay can be contacted at 1 Bents Foot, Cherry Tree Row, Harden, BD16 1BQ.