A PART of Keighley which is currently undergoing drastic changes, this view of Bow Street at its junction with North Street was photographed on August 9, 1902 -- King Edward V11's Coronation Day -- hence its rather festive air.

The mayoral party, preceded by the mace-bearer and escorted by seven policemen, is making its way to the Public Library site for a memorial stone-laying ceremony.

The lines in the foreground along North Street were for the horse-trams which operated until 1904.

The building on the right, at the time housing the Yorkshire Penny Bank, had started life in 1834 as Keighley's original Mechanics' Institute, offering a programme of lectures and classes, together with a library and a collection of scientific apparatus. It was demolished in 1970.

The properties in the right and centre background were to disappear in the mid-1960s, during the development of the Airedale Centre.

The photograph was supplied by Mrs Harrison, of Exley Drive, Keighley.