The sister of missing Bradford man Michael Allison today made an emotional appeal for him to return home.

Speaking for the first time since he disappeared after a Christmas party, Pat Cockburn, described the wait for news of her brother as a "nightmare".

She said: "I just can't understand what has happened. I am scared to be positive in case something bad happens.

"The last few weeks have been a nightmare. I spend all day waiting by the phone. If Michael is reading this please come home - we love you."

The last reported sighting of the 33-year-old was at the Noble Comb pub, Shipley, at 8.30pm on Friday, December 22.

Mr Allison, who lives alone in St Paul's Road, Manningham, had been enjoying a Christmas drink with work colleagues from Pace Micro Technology.

He was due to visit his sister and her family in Southport the following day but never arrived.

Mrs Cockburn, 43, said: "Michael rang me on the Friday morning to say he had bought his coach ticket and was looking forward to visiting.

"He mentioned he was going to a Christmas party that night. He seemed in good spirits. I told him to be careful and not drink too much on an empty stomach.

"It looks like he never made it home from the party. Not knowing what has happened is terrible."

Mrs Cockburn described her brother as "quite an individual". She said: "He's been a punk most of his life. He moved to Bradford after his marriage broke up ten years ago."

Police have extended the hunt for Mr Allison, putting up 100 posters across Shipley, Frizinghall and Manningham appealing for information.

Detective Chief Inspector Phil Sedgwick, of Toller Lane Police, said: "We are extremely concerned about his safety and his whereabouts.

"There is a possibility he could have sought refuge in a shed or garage and we would ask people who live between Foxes Corner at Shipley and St Paul's Road, Manningham, to check their sheds and outbuildings."

Officers from British Transport Police and divers from the West Yorkshire Police underwater unit are searching railway embankments and the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.

Anyone with information as to Mr Allison's whereabouts is asked to contact Toller Lane Police on Bradford 376259.