'SPINELESS' councillors have reacted angrily to criticisms over their acceptance of the area's planning blueprint.

Councillor Clive Fox (Con, Otley and Wharfedale) wants to see the Leeds Unitary Development Plan scrapped because it gives the go-ahead to the development of green belt across the area.

And he has called his fellow two ward councillors, Coun Phil Coyne and Coun Graham Kirkland 'spineless' for failing to fight the plan.

Coun Fox said: 'They both advocated the early adoption of the UDP in the certain knowledge that this would mean the loss of green belt in parts of Pool, Bramhope, Otley and Rawdon."

"The Labour and Liberal councillors voted en masse for proposals which could mean hundreds of new houses being built on green belt land over the next few years.

"In doing so they have totally ignored local wishes and made a mockery of their claims to be concerned for the green belt and green issues."

But Coun Graham Kirkland (Lib Dem, Otley and Wharfedale) accused Coun Fox of making a cheap political point.

"He knows perfectly well that every councillor in Leeds is against green belt development. He also knows quite well that planning law is extremely complex."

Coun Kirkland added it had taken ten years, a two-year long public inquiry and £5 million to form the UDP - now in its revised draft form and expected to be formally adopted very soon.

"Do we really want years more of uncertainty while developers drive a coach and horses through lack of decision, " said Coun Kirkland. He added that the area covered by the UDP was too large and that there should be a fresh look at problem areas such as housing in the greenbelt.

"I believe that a careful revision would yield rapid results. The Conservative call to throw everything out would be a recipe for anarchy and chaos that would take five or six years as a minimum to resolve, despite its superficial appeal."

Coun Fox, who was speaking at a meeting of Otley Ward Conservatives, said he despaired at the attitude of Couns Kirkland and Coyne.

He said the UDP should be scrapped and another one put together which took into account the latest Government guidelines PPG3 which required the use of formerly developed brown field sites before green belt. "The council is trying to steamroller its UDP through, aided and abetted by my two ward colleagues, and the tragedy is that once land loses its green belt status it creates uncertainty and it may never be returned to the green belt again.

" There may be a demand for expensive executive housing but there is no actual need for it and that is the core of the planning debate."

Coun Phil Coyne (Lab, Otley and Wharfedale) said the scrapping of the UDP would mean an open day for property developers.

"It would leave Otley without a properly defined green belt and open Bramhope and Pool to relentless expansion.

"As we live next to an expanding city, the inevitable outcome of a new review of the green belt would be to lose more of it and Coun Fox knows this full well.

"Coun Fox's crocodile tears over low cost housing would be more convincing it he had supported the only scheme on offer in Otley and Wharfedale for more than 60 homes at Rumplecroft.

"He chose instead to score cheap political points, as he is doing now over the UDP, rather than trying to get the best possible deal for local people."