An action group which has provided a voice for Cottingley for the past few years is to be revived.

The Cottingley Community Association will re-form in a bid to get issues of concern raised as part of Bradford's unitary development plan.

Businessman Tony Roche, of Woodside Crescent, who is spearheading the rebirth, said: "What we are trying to do is to be the eyes and ears of the people and consult with the Council on the unitary development plan.

"There is no point us sitting back. We have to be there. The Council cannot make decisions for us if they do not know what is happening. We need to liaise with them."

A meeting is to be held on Tuesday to re-elect a committee and chairman.

Plans are afoot for a newsletter and the new committee will be contacting the 180 former members to see if they will rejoin.