The Yorkshire Dales Society has signed up its first Japanese member after she became a devotee of the region through the efforts of a former prisoner of war who lives in Shipley.

Yasuko Yokoyama has never set foot on Yorkshire soil but the 55-year-old has lots of books and magazines about the area. She is even sent regular copies of the Telegraph & Argus to help her keep in touch with all things Yorkshire.

Speaking via e-mail, Mrs Yokoyama, who runs a newsletter called Parkway about life in her home town of Kure, said she had never visited the area but had heard a lot about it.

"I have some very good friends from this part of the world. They are so warm and lovely that I expect it must be a very lovely place."

Mrs Yokoyama's interest in the area was kindled when she met George and Enid Russell. of Otley Road, Shipley.

Mr Russell was a former prisoner-of-war in Kure, south west Japan.

He kept in touch with the people he met over there and the friendship has resulted in many e-mails, telephone calls and flowers being sent between the two. He said: "Yasuko would always ask me about Yorkshire and Bradford so I started sending her books and magazines. Now I think she has more than me.

"She is very interested in the history of the place and asked lots of questions. I thought she might like to join the Yorkshire Dales Society and she was very excited about that."

Fleur Speakman, the society's secretary, said they had quite a few overseas members but all had previously visited the area.

"We have about 2,000 members worldwide and you do find that a lot of people want to become members after they have visited the area. They fall in love with it and we have quite a few members in Australia, America and Canada.

"We have one member in Malaysia, too, but Mrs Yokoyama is the only member we have who has not visited the area before. That is slightly unusual."

Mrs Yokoyama is now planning a trip to Bradford to see the Russells and can't wait to see the Dales for herself.

"It will be lovely to come to Bradford, and see the place for myself. After all, I have heard so much about it."

And then there is the local delicacy that Mrs Yokoyama can't wait to try - and that's our famous Yorkshire pudding.