They are academics and management experts more used to handing out sound business advice.

But with a flash of inspiration and an abandonment of their modesty, they dropped all for charity.

And now the male staff of on-line management information publisher Emerald are baring their bodies to help raise cash for the Annette Fox ward for leukaemia and blood disorders at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Following in the footsteps of the famous women for Rylstone and District WI, the boys at Emerald decided getting their kit off - and using cheeky captions - was better than holding a coffee morning or having a tombola.

And in the breaking light of an early morning, before the milkmen and postie could spot what was going on, the team lined up and dropped all at the company's headquarters on Toller Lane.

Kathryn Toledano, a director of Emerald, formerly known as MCB University Press, which was founded by business school academics from the University, said: "They were all very excited to take part and we hope it will be a huge success."

Among the 12 men who agreed to take part is typesetting manager Mick Massey - Mr September who spares his blushes with a strategically-placed rugby ball.

"We hope to raise huge hunks of money for a needy cause," he said. "It is all done in the best possible taste, with a good sense of humour, and although we were all quite nervous, that becomes rather insignificant when you start to think about the very real help it will bring patients at the ward."

In previous years Emerald's staff have raised more than £50,000 for various local charities and managing director Keith Howard, said he hoped this year would prove just as successful.

Calendars can be bought by sending a cheque for £7.50 made out to Emerald, to Carolyn Tidd, Emerald, 60-62, Toller Lane, Bradford, BD8 9BY.