Britain's biggest curry restaurant has been given the Royal seal of approval.

The Duke of Kent unveiled a commemorative plaque at the Aakash restaurant in Cleckheaton which was opened in July in a converted chapel.

Crowds of cheering children turned out on a chilly November day to give the Duke a warm welcome before he met the chief executive of the Aakash, Mohammed Iqbal Tabassum.

The Duke was then treated to a full tour of the two-storey, 860-seat restaurant in Bradford Road, before sitting down to enjoy a range of spicy dishes.

Inviting his guest to unveil a commemorative plaque, Mr Tabassum said: "It's a great honour for me that your Royal Highness has spared time out of his busy schedule to visit us here today - hopefully to see what all the fuss is about!"

Thanking his host, the Duke said: "I want to congratulate you on what you've done in creating a really marvellous restaurant, and for the opportunity you've given us to enjoy this wonderful Indian cuisine."

Spenborough Chamber of Trade president Keith Joplin, who arranged the visit, presented him with a painting of Cleckheaton.

"I thought it was fantastic. His visit can only help raise the profile of the area," he said.

The Mayor of Kirklees, Councillor Mohan Sockhal, said: "I was very proud to see him here for the biggest Asian restaurant not only in Kirklees but in the whole country."