Plans for a government-backed private company to kick-start regeneration in Bradford city centre came under attack today.

Councillor Dave Green, Labour's spokesman on the economy, said the Council would be 'ticking political boxes to get Brownie points' if the scheme goes ahead.

Councillor Green (Lab, Odsal) said the Urban Regeneration Company (URC) could be cumbersome and bureaucratic and would not have the power or finance to deliver.

Proposals to bid to the Government for designation as an URC will go to the Council's Executive Committee for consideration on Tuesday.

The Council is working on a business plan with the government's regeneration body Yorkshire Forward.

Officers say the new company, led by the private sector with only one senior councillor, would be able to tap into millions of pounds of funding.

The Government aims to create 12 urban regeneration companies - and Yorkshire Forward is giving priority to Bradford and Hull.

Assistant chief executive David Kennedy will recommend the Council's executive committee approves the bid's preparation and submission.

Coun Green stressed he was not speaking for the Labour group. He said: "My personal view is that there are a lot of visions and strategy and a lot of bits of paper, and now we need to deliver it.

"I don't oppose the scheme, but I do not think it is right for Bradford. I believe we need something which can deliver real regeneration, not just to the city but also beyond."

Coun Green said he believed the company would take 18 months to two years to set up and he added: "We can't wait that length of time for an organisation to come in which might or might not deliver.''

But deputy council leader Councillor Richard Wightman, said: "We think the city centre requires a concentration of resources and that this is the best way to do it. This scheme is a national blueprint but it would have a Bradford flavour.''