University researchers turned into jealous love rivals who brawled in a bar for the affections of a French laboratory assistant, a Court heard.

Cancer researchers David Swaine and Steven Shnyder were good friends until the young French woman joined their research unit at Bradford University, the court was told.

Both men developed feelings for her, but it was Swaine who won the contest for her affections, Bradford Magistrates' Court was told.

But Mr Shnyder became "quite jealous" about the relationship and tried to cause friction between them.

While they were all at a leaving celebration in August this year, 38-year-old Swaine walked over to Mr Shnyder and pushed him off his chair, said prosecutor Nadine Clough.

He then stood over him, pinning him down by the shoulders, and punched him at least six times in the face, breaking his nose.

He was dragged off by other people at the party, and Mr Shnyder had to be taken to hospital.

Alan Petherbridge, mitigating, said both men had 'held a candle for the young lady' and Mr Shnyder thought she shared his feelings, but she did not.

At the party, he kept looking at Swaine and the woman with a "malevolent look" and was saying things into his beer. Mr Petherbridge said: "Mr Swaine momentarily lost his judgement and went over and punched him."

He was a very skilled and able man and the University had decided to maintain his employment in a very senior position, the court heard.

"Through the University, the parties have reached an agreement through mediation," said Mr Petherbridge.

"The handshake at the University says it all. Mr Swaine has been through a dreadful time, thinking he would lose his job and his reputation, and that others would be directly affected by his actions."

Swaine, a father-of-two, and the woman are now engaged, and the two men continue to work alongside each other.

Swaine, of Marne Crescent, Idle, pleaded guilty to causing Mr Shnyder actual bodily harm. He was given a 200-hour community punishment order and had to pay £500 compensation and £40 costs.

Describing the offence as "an unfortunate and disgraceful incident," district judge David Thomas told Swaine: "You are an intelligent man and what you did brought shame upon yourself and the University."

Mr Swaine did not want to comment after the case. The curtains were drawn at Mr Shnyder's house in Toller Grove, Heaton today.

University of Bradford Registrar and Secretary, Nick Andrew, said: "The matter has been addressed and resolved internally through the University's own procedures to everyone's satisfaction."