DRUNKENESS, drug taking and vandalism is to be tackled by a new residents' group.

Fed up residents of the Westfield estate and Greenlea Avenue in Yeadon have formed the first residents and tenants group in Aireborough.

And they are determined to tackle all sorts of anti-social behaviour and make the area more pleasant to live.

Brenda Swales, committee member of the newly-formed Westfield Tenants and Residents Group, said more than 500 leaflets had been sent out to houses in the area - and at the first meeting on Thursday last week more than 20 people had turned up.

"Considering the venue had to be changed at the last minute, the appalling weather and that Leeds United were on the TV, we were pleased with the turnout," she said.

Mrs Swales, a representative on Leeds City Council's 'Going Local' North West Panel, said the area's biggest problem was its anti-social behaviour.

"We want our streets back. We've got this yob culture and with all the vandalism taking place, the area is beginning to look really run-down.

"We get burglaries in houses, glue sniffing and drug taking. People put up fences and they get vandalised and our telephone box recently had all its windows smashed and the door ripped off its hinges."

She said what the committee would be aiming for would be improved police presence in the area.

They had got the involvement of their local community officer and were hopeful that police input would be at every monthly meeting.

"We might not be able to get the police down here every day, but something needs to be done," she said.

The problems, which she said was mostly down to youths, was concentrated on streets where people lived.

"We have a mixture of tenants and residents and the problems are the same for all, the trouble is all these problems put the property values down," she said.

Councillor Graham Latty (Con, Aireborough) chairman of the new group, said he sympathised with the residents.

"The objective will be to make Westfield a better place to live and to reduce anti-social behaviour.

"We want to make it safer to live there and I shall be make sure the tenants and residents get a fair crack of the whip from Leeds," he said.

It is planned that the Westfield Tenants and Residents Group will meet every month.