Police are mounting a campaign to stamp out crime and vandalism on buses.

The crackdown, part of West Yorkshire police force's Target Initiative, follows a number of incidents involving vandalism, nuisance and rowdy behaviour by yobs on buses in Bradford and other parts of the county.

It will be officially unveiled tomorrow in conjunction with Crimestoppers, Metro and bus operators.

The campaign will be backed by a series of advertisements and demonstrations of the increasing use of anti-crime technology, such as CCTV cameras which will be installed on most buses in the area in the coming month.

A spokesman for Target Initiative said: "We are hoping that the initiative will force out the increasing problem of assaults on drivers and people causing problems for passengers in Bradford."

Bus company First Bradford spokesman Brandon Jones said: "We fully support this important initiative. We have experienced a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour across the whole district in the last 12 months."

They ranged from items being thrown at buses, smashing windows, to vandalism by passengers.

"Damage costs the company money as vehicles are off the road, parts are needed and service time is wasted," he said.

Metro will be placing stickers, conveying the message that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, on most of its 4,000 bus shelters in West Yorkshire.

Councillor Mick Lyons, chairman of the West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Authority, applauded the crackdown. Enough is enough and it is time to do away with this kind of anti-social behaviour which the public have to put up with," he said.

"Between us we are going to stop this threatening behaviour by gangs of youths on buses.

"We are all helping to crack down on this kind of crime. There are already cameras in Bradford Interchange but the hope is to put cameras wherever anyone feels vulnerable. This includes bus stops as well as on the buses themselves."

Passengers who witness bus vandalism should telephone Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

The Target Initiative is the West Yorkshire force's biggest crackdown on crime and the fear of crime.

Since its launch in April 2001, it has resulted in 1,800 arrests.