Nicky Law today called for action to be taken against the Rotherham fans who peppered goalkeeper Alan Combe with coins and abused the City bench at Millmoor.

The Bantams boss believes it is time the authorities cracked down on the south Yorkshire club's supporters after claiming Saturday was not an isolated incident.

Law said: "This is the third time I've been here when this has happened, and you talk to others and they get exactly the same thing. It's an intimidating place to come, but your goalie gets coins lobbed at him, we get a barrage of abuse and nobody does anything.

"Alan's trousers were chinking as he walked out because he had that many coins! It was even worse when we played here at Chesterfield and Mike Pollitt had to go to the halfway line for a five-minute delay because there were so many coins being thrown at him.

"They said afterwards that all they found on the pitch was rolled-up paper but that's nonsense.

"I try to learn my lesson and not say anything but nothing gets done about it. Someone on our bench supposedly had a chirp back at a fan and they want to jump on that - the only people they are after are the managers and officials at football clubs, they don't want the real culprits."

City came within three minutes of a crucial win over their relegation rivals before Andy Tod needlessly conceded a penalty, allowing Rotherham an unlikely equaliser.

"It was a kick in the teeth for the players and supporters," Law admitted. "We've battled our socks off and deserved to win the game. To give it away in that nature is inexusable.

"We put Tody on there to give us a lift with defending corners and free-kicks and that's what he should have done.

"Whether he was fouled or not is no excuse, the ball was going nowhere - it was heading into the crowd for a goal kick with time running out. It was just an horrendous decision to make."

Ashley Ward picked up a costly 10th yellow card which will rule him out for two games in the run-in. But Law remains confident City have enough to stay out of trouble.

He said: "I thought if we'd got that win on Saturday it might have been enough. Sheffield Wednesday and Grimsby both winning made it doubly frustrating but we're still six points out of it and shouldn't need to rely on other results."

Simon Grayson has returned to Blackburn after his month's loan at City.