Firefighters could be told to stub it out as the West Yorkshire force aims to ban smoking in all its stations and buildings.

A proposal has been put forward for a three-month smoking ban at Oakroyd Hall and other authority buildings at the Birkenshaw headquarters from June 1.

And the move could lead to smoking rooms being scrapped at all 50 sites in the district, including Bradford stations.

Assistant Chief Officer Allan Hughes, who is director of Human Resources, said although a smoking policy was implemented 11 years ago the time was now right to phase out smoking.

"We are looking after the health and safety of all our staff. It is not a draconian ban and we are not the anti-smoking police because we are not banning people from smoking on our premises," he said.

"There will still be areas outside with receptacles to put tab ends in but we are looking to prohibit smoking in the building to make sure nobody suffers from passive smoking."

A report which to go before the West Yorkshire Fire Authority Personnel and Training Committee tomorrow says the policy ultimately aims to eradicate smoking on all its premises. The training centre at Birkenshaw already operates as a smoke-free building and risk assessments will be carried out to find suitable outdoor areas.

Sean Cahill, secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, said the union supported the idea of a gradual approach to reduce smoking.

"We support this in work places or fire stations where it is practical but as an emergency service we accept that we have to work within the station and cannot leave it."

He said in the last few years new employees were contractually banned from smoking at work.

Staff at the Occupational Health Support Unit are offering guidance for any employee who is trying to stop smoking.

Members of the Personnel and Training Committee will make a decision on the proposal at their meeting tomorrow.