Residents of Kildwick are to throw open their garden gates to the public on May 5.

And Mick Steventon has been working hard to get the picturesque Jacobean walled garden of Kildwick Hall ready in time.

Head gardener Mr Steventon said: "We have spent a lot of time over the past few months preparing for this, getting the garden ready, taking cuttings and making hanging baskets."

In total 11 of the houses in the village will put their gardens on display, ranging from very formal to typical country gardens.

To gain entry visitors must buy a map for £2.50 from Kildwick Parish Rooms, which gives details of all the gardens that are open to the public.

There will be stalls selling home-made produce, visitors will be able to take tea in the walled garden and a raffle will be held with first prize, donated by Mr and Mrs R Spence of Kildwick Hall, of £250 to be spent at Woodbank Nursery, Harden.

Chairman of Kildwick Parish Council Keith Midgley said: "The last time we did this was about three years ago. The money raised all gets put back into village causes. This time it will go to the Queen's golden jubilee celebrations."