AN Upper Wharfedale after-school club will be drawing its last breath soon if help with staffing is not forthcoming.

GASP, the Grassington After School Playscheme, is suffering from the problem of finding staff and volunteers to run the sessions in the village's town hall.

Chairman Sorrel Mooney said: "Trying to find staff and volunteers to run the club is the biggest problem.

"Because of the nature of the job, the hours are only part-time and it is difficult to attract staff of the required calibre who will remain in the post without the need to seek additional or alternative hours elsewhere."

She added that an attractive wage was offered which added additional strain on the club's resources.

"Many clubs were helped to set up by the availability of Government grants and yet find that fluctuations in their ongoing financial viability means there is a serious need for the support of ongoing funding for survival.

"At the moment we urgently need someone to take over running the staff rota which involves ringing staff and volunteers on a regular basis, and a wages clerk."

She added that the club regularly advertised in the job centre as well as handing out leaflets, putting up posters and relying on word-of-mouth.

"It is difficult to know what more we can do," she said.

As well as a shortage of staff, the club is dependent on a group of volunteers to act as a managing committee, but finds there are not enough people willing or able to give up their time to help.

"It's ironic, but the very people who need childcare the most - full-time working parents - have the least available time to be able to offer to help ensure the club's survival," she said.

A crisis meeting is to be held on Monday to assess the club's future, although it hopes people will come forward before then.

If you are community minded and can offer just three hours a week on a weekly basis contact Sorrel on 01756 753252, or the club during after-school session times - every afternoon 3.30pm to 6pm, except Wednesday - on 01756 753515.