SIR - I would just like to thank some kind people of Bradford for their honesty on a recent trip to the Lake District.

My mother, who will be 90 in August, enjoys a short walk with her sister from her sheltered bungalow on the outskirts of Hawkshead to a bus shelter about a quarter of a mile away.

One day, arriving at the shelter, Mum rummaged in her handbag for some sweets, taking out various bits that mums carry in their bags and putting them on the seat. One of these items was her purse, which wasn't noticed to be missing till she arrived back in the village store.

She was in quite a state, and she and her sister set off to look for it, quite forgetting she had been looking in her bag at the shelter.

On returning to her little bungalow, her telephone was ringing. It was the Tourist Information Centre. They had had the purse handed in from some day-trippers from Bradford, who had found it in the bus shelter.

All monies and cards were untouched, and whoever handed it in had to go out of their way to make sure it was returned. It proved to Mum that there are still honest people in the country - a fact that is worth recording.

J Bownass, Crosthwaite, Kendal, Cumbria.

SIR - It troubles me greatly when I hear people speak so stereotypically of Muslims, and Muslim nations. The killing of a civilian, Palestinian or Israeli, cannot be justified in any way.

I only ask the readers to consider one question. Why would anyone blow themselves up?

Consider the motives behind the actions of these suicide bombers, who once had a respectable job, and happy family life. Many are graduates, with a level head.

But how would you feel if you see your brother taken away, starved, beaten and tortured, your sisters and wife raped, your friends crippled, etc?

There are such things happening, and that is driving the suicide bombers to do what they do.

Don't be misled by the mass media. Just like we say that the true Islam is seldom practised in the modern world, in the same way the real democracy has gone.

Those living in democratic societies are the most controlled people in the world. I will finish by reminding my fellow Bradfordians that the word "terror" has STILL not been defined by the UN.

Abid Aziz, Westfield Road, Bradford 9.

SIR - The decline in Bradford can largely be attributed to the huge amount of hardcore Drugs on our streets. The recent shootings and murders have ALL been drug-related.

Drugs cause nothing but death and misery and the time has come for the overwhelmingly decent folk of Bradford to stand against these peddlers of death.

Why is it that every day of my life I see class A drugs being openly sold and used in my area? Why is it that so many can get fat off the profits of crime with impunity despite having no justifiable means of income?

I know many people who have informed the police of the detailed movements of dealers in our area, but what do the police do? Nothing.

The crack epidemic is about to hit our streets. I fear for Bradford.

Mujahid Ali Islam, Fairbank Road, Girlington.

SIR - Re the "ruggers", Riches to Behold, at the Industrial Museum.

I was told of the above free exhibition, and went along with the feeling of "just tab rugs like we used to have in the distant past". How wrong could I be?

It is wonderful - an art form and well worth the visit from the very young (five-year-olds have produced an exhibit) to the very old (keep the fingers nimble and brain active).

I would recommend this to schools, social clubs and day centres.

All kinds of waste materials are used, including sweet papers.

There is an Environmental Panel which will be there until May 14 when it will be taken down to hang in Harewood House along with the Leeds exhibition.

This is certainly a must for Bradford culture.

Mrs D Charlesworth, Prune Park Lane, Allerton.