Parents at a Keighley Catholic primary school cooked up a treat as a thank you to staff.

They prepared and served a meal for around 60 teachers and other staff at St Anne's, in North Street.

And the children handed over bouquets of flowers, plus cards and gifts they had made themselves.

The nosh-up is an idea gleaned from America, but is still relatively rare in this country.

Mrs Sue Sissling, chairman of St Anne's PTA, said: "It provides parents with an opportunity to show their appreciation to teachers and staff for all their hard work.

"It is something the Parents Association felt very strongly about, and we wanted to do something to mark our appreciation in a more tangible way. "We came up with the idea of a luncheon cooked, served and paid for by the parents of the school.

"This is the third year that the school has had the event, and all the teachers and staff now look forward to their lunch on this special day."

PTA secretary Erin Kilcoyne said: "The event makes the whole community aware of the need to thank the teachers, and it is important as a family to sit down and think about the people who make a difference to our lives.

"So many parents and families were involved -- it was a brilliant day."

Head teacher Bridgida Martino said: "I understand that the parents of the school have always been very supportive, but I was both surprised and flattered that they had decided to show their appreciation and support in this way. My staff were delighted."