Former Keighley actor Peter Mayhew has seen his dream come true by landing a part in the latest episode of the Star Wars saga - three years after the Telegraph & Argus predicted it.

Giant Peter, who played the loveable "walking carpet" Chewbacca in the original Star Wars trilogy, is set to play another hairy wookie in Star Wars Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones when it is released on Thursday, May 16.

However, the 7ft 3ins actor is anxious to point out that the new character is not Han Solo's sidekick Chewbacca but another member of the wookie family.

Mr Mayhew revealed his role at a fans' convention in New Zealand and said his new wookie would appear in "a certain celebration scene" towards the end of the new movie.

When the last instalment of the hit series, The Phantom Menace, opened in 1999 the actor told the T&A how he would love to return to the big screen in a galaxy far, far away.

He said: "I'm just waiting for the phone call - it would be nice to be in Episode Two or Three but it's not up to me - you would have to ask Mr Lucas (director George)."

He added that there was no reason why Chewbacca could not return in the films.

"Chewie was 200 years old in Star Wars so it's possible that he could be in the new films," he said. "And no one can play Chewie like I can.

"There are a lot of questions that have to be resolved, like how did Chewie meet Han Solo?"

The former hospital porter left Keighley two years ago to set up home in Dallas with his Texan bride Angelique whom he had met at a Star Wars convention.

Mr Mayhew had fallen in love with the Keighley area after moving there in 1987 from London and while living in the area became a keen Keighley Rugby Union Club supporter. He made many appearances as Chewbacca to raise money for local charities - his last role was for Manorlands, the Sue Ryder hospice at Oxenhope.

Staff at Bradford's Cine-world multiplex cinema are already preparing for the rush to see the new movie by organising 12.01am showings on the day it opens.

Juliana Bergel, a manager at the cinema, said: "We think there is going to be a big demand for it.

"Star Wars has got a cult following and we believe that there is a lot of people who want to be the first to see it.

"We will give people the opportunity of going into work on Thursday morning having already seen it.

"If there's anyone out there who wants to come along in Star Wars costume they're more than welcome to. It will make it a party atmosphere."