Sixth former Nicola Underwood, of Moorfield Road, Ben Rhydding, celebrates after learning that she had achieved one of the top five marks in the country for her A-level Home Economics exam. Nicola, who goes to Bradford Grammar School was one of hundreds of Wharfedale students celebrating as schools in the

area reported stunning results.

At Ilkley Grammar School staff have seen sixth-form pupils gain an almost 100 per cent pass rate.

A total of 130 students at the school gained A level grades last week, with 99.7 per cent of all the school's A-level exam entries resulting in a pass.

The grades were this year awarded for the first time on the basis of students' previous performance at AS level, as well as their achievement in this year's exams.

The head teacher of Ilkley Grammar School, Peter Wood, who retires before the start of the next school year, says the success of this year's A-level students will allow him leave on a high note.

Mr Wood says the overall results are the best ever achieved by the school. Six students who sat the exams gained four A grades.

Mr Wood said: "There are several aspects of this year's success which are particularly pleasing. It's the first time through for the new system and I'm delighted with the outcome for our students. To have achieved what is virtually a 100 per cent pass rate is quite remarkable.

"As always, it isn't just those who gain the highest grades who deserve praise.

"In many cases, more modest grades represent the result of just as much work and are just as significant an achievement." He said teachers at the school had worked hard to make sure new courses had been successfully implemented.

"Everyone who has had a hand in achieving these excellent results is to be congratulated," said Mr Wood.

Ilkley's achievements were also seen in schools outside the town.

Statistics show pass rates for A levels are improving nationally, with a 4.5 per cent rise in pass rates this year, but the national number of A-level entries this year fell by 47,000.