Traders in Haworth are being urged to commit to fair deals and make the village a fair trade zone.

Interested business people have met and set up a steering group to gauge support for a bid for fair trade zone status.

Main Street business Sonia's Smile is a member of the British Association of Fair Trade and sells fairly traded products.

As a member of the association, the shop focuses on fair trade ethics in helping Third World countries to get a fair deal for their goods, but it also applies to helping fair-trading in this country.

Sonia's Smile proprietors are keen to see other businesses follow suit as a boost to the village.

Rita Verity, from Sonia's Smile, said: "We think that if Haworth was given status as a fair trade zone it could be a real boost to all the businesses here and really benefit the village.

"A meeting was called to discuss it with interested parties and we have had so much positive feedback from it.

"Haworth already has such a lot to be proud of and a lot to draw the tourists in, but this could be another feather in its cap. We don't just want this to benefit our business, we really think it can make a difference across the board here and we need people to support us to make it work."

Bradford Council has backed the bid and has given its full support to the idea.

"To move the status bid forward we have to complete a few criteria which we are so near to doing that we just need a last push of support from traders and other local organisations in Haworth," added Ms Verity. "I just don't want us to miss out because of apathy." She said: "We need to confirm the sale of fair trade products in at least two local cafes and catering establishments. They need to be willing to sell some fairly traded goods alongside their usual produce.

"Fair trade products must also be used locally by ten people, for example in businesses, by schools, churches or other groups." Ms Verity anticipates that if there is enough interest, future projects might include setting up a directory of shops in the area which use and supply fairly traded goods.

She said: "The idea is to act locally and think globally. I'd love to hear from anyone who is interested in hearing more or being a part of this -- all kinds of local people can help -- farmers, bed and breakfast owners, schools -- everyone really."

The next meeting of the steering group will be on Monday, September 2. The venue is yet to be confirmed.

For more information Rita Verity can be contacted on 01535 647776 or 07816026280. She can be e-mailed at or is available to speak to in the shop most days, seven days a week.