Convoys annoy early in morning

SIR, - Picture the scene: the idyllic town of Otley nestles beneath the towering bulk of the Chevin, the dawn chorus is starting to get into full swing.

But Otley's chorus is somewhat different to other people's. Instead of the melodious tunes of 'blackbird, robin and thrush, our town hears another tune, that of high powered supercharged wagons thundering their way through on their way to the quarry.

It's 5.30am and the invasion has begun. The first wagons scream up Billams Hill hoping to create as much of a run-up as possible to clear Carr Bank without changing down a gear - most exceed the 30mph speed limit, which does not exist at this time in the morning.

By 6.15am, it's like living next to the M1 as convoys of trucks race each other up and down, drivers chatting happily on their CB radios while pounding over our B class roads creating potholes, cracks and damage to our lovely arched bridge.

It may only be me, but I'm not too keen on being woken at this time. It interrupts my beauty sleep and I certainly need it.

Our powers that be only seem interested in our grievances at election time when the chance of that extra vote spurs them on to make that 'extra effort'. HGVs of this quantity should not be allowed on Otley's roads - they should use the existing A roads and not use Otley as a short cut.

So come on local and national politicians, get your collective fingers out and do something for the people who put you in power and can so easily vote you out again.

Mark Rothery

Newall Carr Road,


Water history

SIR, - I was very interested in the story in the column '100 years ago' about the water supply to some of the houses over Otley bridge.

For a number of years, some time ago but not quite a hundred years, I lived on Bridge Avenue. The water supply to Bridge Avenue, Farnley Lane and some of the older houses in Newall and Newall with Clifton still came from a reservoir at the end of Roebuck Lane on the way to Clifton.

For most of the year the water was good but in periods of short supply various water insects also came with the water. In spring a few tadpoles might also appear.

At such time we went to the Spring Well for drinking water. This water came from a pipe in the wall; it was cool, crystal clear and never ever stopped running. It was not a trickle, it only took a few seconds to fill a jug.

When the houses were connected to the town supply some of the residents still went to collect drinking water from the well, it tasted like good water should and not like some of the peculiar tasting liquid which now, occasionally, goes under the name of good drinking water.

Springwell Caf gets its name from the water supply which comes out of the wall just behind it.

Mr N H Graville

168 Bradford Road,


MP under fire

SIR, - What does Paul Truswell think he is doing? There he is on page 5 of The Wharfedale and Airedale Observer talking to the Keep Yeadon Banks Green group and a very good picture it is too.

The trouble is, he sent the same picture to another local paper but accompanied it with a story about building on a filling station on the A65 in Rawdon. Perhaps the 'Banks' protesters may have a passing interest in Rawdon, but I'm sure they're more concerned about the Banks.

He is also a little late as I was able to write to them on Wednesday last telling them the good news that Leeds has had a rethink and these sites known as PAS land are to be reinstated as green belt in the next Unitary Development Plan.

He really is going to have to get his geography (and his facts) sorted out or we may find him contesting the next General Election on issues (already resolved) affecting Kirklees. Perhaps before he rushes to the press in future he should check what he has written: it's no good seeking publicity if you make a muck-up of it.

Coun Graham Latty

(Con, Aireborough),

110 Harrogate Road,


No credibility

SIR, - If there was a crime of political perjury which included hypocrisy, fraudulent propaganda and contempt of democracy, Blair and his Tory cohorts would be serving life sentences. Consider the evidence.

The day before Blair attempted to convince the House of Commons war with Iraq was justified to prevent development of weapons of mass destruction, it was revealed we have sold nuclear materials to Iran. As well as being the world's largest manufacturer and exporter of arms (under Blair we have exported £29 billion of arms) we are actively assisting Israel, India, Pakistan and now Iran with their nuclear development.

Blair's motives are economic, not moral. Is this not hypocrisy and what credibility can be given to Blairs arguments?

Jack Straw's speech to the United Nations condemned Iraq for attacking Iran, ignoring that it did so with our assistance. This is typical of the quality of argument being used to drag this country to war. May I ask those who still believe the Blair/Bush propaganda to consider the following:-

1. The 9/11 terrorists came not from Afghanistan or Iraq but from Saudi Arabia.

2. Thanks to our attack on Afghanistan, the heroin crop, of which 90 per cent comes to the UK, is now 14 times more than it was under the Taliban.

3. Turkey has killed as many Kurds as Saddam but not a word of protest has been made by the West. Why not?

4. Why is Saddam condemned as evil and Sharon of Israel not?

Ask yourself, after Iraq, who next? When one sweeps aside Blair's fraudulent morals we are left with the real reasons - oil and American Imperialism. If our soldiers are to risk their lives, Blair should be honest and tell them why they should fight.

In recent opinion polls, one on television showed 79 per cent were against war. In another, 71 per cent said they would only support action if it was approved by the United Nations.

In the House of Commons, Blair denied MP's the right to vote. Blair in power with only 23 per cent of the vote treats democracy with contempt. Verdict - Guilty as charged.

Mr M Naylor

21 Grange View,


Action, not talk

SIR, - I thank Councillor Graham Kirkland for his reply to my letter of September 26 supporting town council plans to give full and independent access to disabled people into and throughout Otley Civic Centre.

Coun Kirkland says in effect that he has done some things to give them limited access. He did plan to do more but someone cancelled those plans in the year 2000 - he still doesn't know who or why.

Why didn't he find out? It suggests either he hasn't the time or maybe the interest to do so.

He says he hasn't been able to agree a lease on the civic centre with Leeds for several years. His party did, I understand, agree such a lease in the 1980s but then did little to maintain the interior which is now in a serious state of disrepair. Naturally, he would now like Leeds to sort it out but he hasn't been able to get that done and meanwhile the building deteriorates further.

To sum up, he wants to see more progress on access for disabled people - into a deteriorating building - but not if it costs much or takes years to pay off. A loan from the Public Works Board at a fixed 5.125 per cent of 20 years would spread the cost in a way which is familiar to the majority of us.

I did hear about a council loan taken out over 25 years at 11 per cent or more but maybe that's for another day. Meanwhile let's get on and make some progress instead of just talking about it.

Kevin Cooney

18 Sunnydale Ridge,


Doors, please

SIR, - Please permit me to respond to Councillor G Kirkland and his comments in your paper of October 3. His letter confirms that 'his doors' were installed in April 2000.

His comment in your news report states that 'it is an easy problem to correct'.

These doors were never intended to be used in major pedestrian traffic. This particular door was for 'occasional' use. No way have these doors become unserviceable due to the Folk Festival.

These doors have packed in after less than two and a half years. Coun. Kirkland refers to this as normal wear and tear. Surely doors should have a much longer life than two and a half years. As he states it is an easy problem to correct.

Does he believe, in all honesty, that the motors need replacing. Let me enlighten him, the cost will not be light. Perhaps he will pay out of his RATS money. (Ward Based Initiative Fund)

Come on Coun Kirkland play the game and give the Civic Centre doors which operate.

Ray Dunn

42 St David's Road,
