A man who lost both his legs and his sight as he battled serious illness has died.

The grieving parents of Stephen Clegg, 37, said stepping on a rusty nail five years ago had triggered his ill health.

The young man - who was later diagnosed as a diabetic, making him more prone to infection - had waited a month before seeking help from doctors "because he did not like a fuss".

A nail had punctured his boot and pierced the sole of his foot when Stephen stepped on a wooden plank five years ago. Gangrene later spread through his body and his toes, left foot then lower legs had to be amputated.

He also lost his sight and needed dialysis treatment for kidney problems.

The former Tong School pupil died suddenly at St Luke's Hospital on Sunday following an operation to remove a shunt, used for his dialysis.

His parents, Norman and Brydia Clegg, said Stephen did not like to ask "anyone for anything".

Retired lorry driver Mr Clegg, 67, of Launceston Drive, said: "It was a month before I saw him after the accident with the nail. His toes had turned black but he had still not gone for treatment.

"I just wish I had known about it earlier. As soon as I saw his foot I dragged him to the doctor. I knew it was gangrene straight away because it killed his aunt. He had to give up work straight away.

"If Stephen had acted sooner it would have saved him. It is a tragic waste of a life."

Stephen, who had previously worked as a butcher and a cleaner, was admitted to St Luke's Hospital on Friday to have the shunt removed. He had been living alone in an adapted bungalow in Sandmead Close, Holme Wood.

Mrs Clegg, 65, a retired checkout assistant, said he was a loner who was fascinated by computers.

"We knew he was poorly but his death has been such a shock," she said. "His father rushed to the hospital but he was already gone.

"Stephen got very low. He couldn't walk, he couldn't see and he couldn't leave his home. We would have to do his shopping and look after him.

"He would say, 'I am fed up, mum' and sit and cry for days."

He leaves a brother Darren and sister-in-law Michelle.

Stephen's funeral will be held at Nab Wood Crematorium on Monday, at 3pm.