Bradford Chamber of Commerce is calling on the Chancellor to target support for business in this year's pre-Budget report.

The Little Germany-based organisation says attention should focus on areas which help small firms concentrate on performance.

It says the three biggest issues it is concerned with are skills and training, red tape and pensions.

John Pennington, the Chamber's president, said: "Companies have said that they are often deterred from seeking assistance with training, and it can be difficult to decipher what size and type of company is eligible for what service.

"This needs addressing along with a shake-up of the various credits and benefits that are often obscure and difficult to take up."

The Chamber is also calling for training subsidies for manual trades and a general drive to improve the standing of the sector, which is suffering from a shortage of recruits.

The Chamber also believes employment legislation continues to be a problem for improved productivity.

It says managers are prevented from focusing on improving their products and services due to time spent on resolving employment issues or acting on behalf of the state.

Sandy Needham, chief executive at the Chamber, added: "While much workplace legislation was supposedly introduced to protect workers from unscrupulous bosses, it's now clearly penalising or restricting many firms from operating to their full potential.

"Hidden costs of implementation and administration can thwart development and with some of the laws, such as health and safety, it is difficult to monitor effectiveness."

The Chamber says the issue of pensions also needs addressing.

Mr Pennington added: "The Chancellor should stop adding to the bewildering system of employment legislation in this country and let business get on with the job it does best - providing wealth creation and job opportunities."