Bingley Show will return to its original home at Myrtle Park after a three-year absence.

The move comes after temporary work was carried out earlier this week to improve access to the park for horse boxes.

And for the first time in the show's 123-year history, it will take place on a Sunday rather than a Wednesday.

Myrtle Park was last used for the show in 1999 but moved to Bradford & Bingley Sports Club in Wagon Lane, Bingley, the following year after concerns about access to the park.

Now a £10,000 scheme, funded by Bradford Council and Bingley Show, with materials supplied by Amec - the contractors working on the Bingley Relief Road - has been devised to create an alternative route.

Atmos - highways maintenance contractors for Bradford Council - have been appointed to widen, raise, straighten and strengthen the access road to the site, off Harden Road.

The show has now been given the go-ahead for Sunday, August 17, next year, after a horse box was test-driven along a temporary version of the new route. In previous years horse boxes entered the Myrtle Park site via The Brown Cow pub car park and on to private land with the owner's permission.

But organisers fear any future owners of the land may not allow this.

Brian Chippindale, vice-chairman of Bingley Show, said: "We are very excited about it. We have had problems in the past with access and health and safety but we have overcome that.

"We are making a supreme effort to make this the best show ever. It is going to be on a Sunday for the first time. This is because of the traffic situation."