A Bradford man was locked up for seven years for raping an 11-year-old girl.

His victim had suffered the additional trauma of finding she was pregnant and having a termination, a Court was told.

Christopher John Stewart, 20, pleaded guilty to rape after tests proved he was the baby's father although he said he could not remember attacking the girl.

Sentencing him at Doncaster Crown Court yesterday, Judge Linda Sutcliffe told Stewart he had had a terrible effect on his victim's life.

"She has, as a result of this offence, learned and been involved in things that no 11-year-old ought to have to know anything about or ever be involved with," she said. "She then had to make a decision whether the baby should be terminated.

"Her decision was that it should be and she spent the best part of a day going through that termination, having to have morphine to dull the pain."

Judge Sutcliffe sentenced Stewart, of Pollard Lane, Undercliffe, to seven years in a young-offender institution.

Once released, he will be placed on licence for five years and will remain on the sex offenders' register for life.

Sophie Drake, prosecuting, said Stewart committed the offence at a Blackpool guest house in the summer of last year.

The girl tried to keep the ordeal from her family, but the court heard that as the pregnancy continued it became impossible and she had a termination.

In mitigation, David Kelly said that while Stewart claimed not to remember the incident, a psychiatric report showed that he did feel remorse.

"After saying that he knew it was wrong to have sexual relations with a girl of that age and that she lacked consent, he made it clear that he did not want to believe that he could have been capable of the attacks alleged and felt extremely sorry for what happened to the victim," he said.

Dr Adrian Berry, who compiled the report, told the court that Stewart's apparent memory loss could be his way of coping with his actions. "Although I don't think he falls into the category of having learning disabilities or a mental handicap, he is clearly not bright," he said.