The heartbroken widow of a murder victim is to keep his memory alive by presenting trophies in his name to members of a western club.

Thursday will be exactly a year since Brian Hardwick's murder.

The father-of-two from Wibsey had only been married for six months when he was shot in the head and chest with a small-calibre weapon at the garage where he worked. He was robbed of his wallet, purse, pendant and chain - none were recovered.

His widow Lynne has now donated three trophies, a shield and a medal to the Ranger Riders Club who meet at the Railway Club in Wakefield Road, Bradford.

The couple had been in the club since 1999 and Lynne wanted to thank members for their support over a difficult 12 months.

The Brian Hardwick Memor-ial Trophy will be presented on Friday to the best dressed male, female and juvenile and to the winner of the fast-draw competition at what is to become an annual event.

"They are like family to me and often call round to take me to events," said Lynne, 52.

"Brian's death has been a real strain for them as well. They too are angry and bitter they have lost a friend and a westerner."

As Lynne faces her second Christmas without Brian, she says she cannot plan for the future until she knows why he was killed.

"I'm still hopeful they will catch Brian's killer, but it is a remote hope," she said.

"Twelve months down the line, this person cannot keep it to themselves any longer and will say something to somebody. I would urge someone to call in - anonymously if they want - and just give a name or names."

Brian, 50, was last seen alive at 5.30pm on Wednesday, November 21, 2001, at the garage in Colne Road, Huddersfield. He was found at 8am the following day.

"The motive for this is just as much a mystery as it was last year because Brian had no enemies," said Lynne.

Despite interviewing more than 1,000 people, the police are no closer to catching his killer.

Tomorrow, Lynne will lay flowers at Huddersfield Car Electricals where Brian worked. "I get very bitter and still miss him, as I always will," said Lynne, who works for Bradford Council.

"I have learned to put on a brave face and have had a lot of support from close friends and family.

"But I have put my life on hold and just take one day at a time.

"Whoever did this does not have a conscience. I often wonder to myself if they have a family and how they would react if this happened to them."

Anyone with information is asked to call the police on (01484) 436702 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.