A Pop Idol reject who punched a man after being heckled over his singing had his case moved more than 70 miles away because Bradford has gone Gareth Gates mad.

A judge decided Anthony Shaw, pictured, couldn't get a fair trial in his home city and so shifted proceedings up the A1 to Middlesbrough.

Sitting in the Crown Court at Middlesbrough, Recorder Neil Davey QC expressed his surprise at having to hear a Bradford case.

But Shaw's lawyers said they believed he would not get a fair trial back in Bradford because of all the publicity surrounding Gareth in the hit ITV show.

Yesterday, Shaw, who the nation saw threaten Pop Idol judge Pete Waterman after his audition for the TV show, admitted hitting Philip Brockett during a night out in Baildon last November.

Shaw, 28, of Emm Lane, Heaton, ended up in court after he had been singing in Kirby's bar in Baildon with Danny Tetley - another Pop Idol wannabe - when they were allegedly heckled. Shaw left the bar and punched Mr Brockett, causing a black eye.

The incident happened soon after the famous TV scene where millions of viewers saw him confront a stunned Pete Waterman and ask him outside for a fight.

He accused the pop guru of being cruel to the contestants, warned him he was a kick boxer and "invited him out".

But the other judges calmed the situation and Shaw eventually left the room.

East Bowling teenager Gareth Gates went on to become runner-up to Will Young.

Yesterday, at Teesside Crown Court, Shaw admitted the assault. Recorder Neil Davey QC said he will be sentenced next month and transferred the case back to Bradford Crown Court.

Shaw was given bail on condition he stayed away from Philip Brockett and did not enter the Angel, the Maltshovel or Kirby's in Baildon.