A SHORTAGE of firefighters in Ot-ley could put public safety at risk, it was claimed this week.

Two prominent local councillors and a fire chief spoke out after it was revealed that the retained Bondgate station has only seven men.

Station commander of Rawdon Fire Station Bill Harrison said: "We are desperate for fire fighters.

"We are running on the bare minimum. We need at least three to bring it up to standard."

And Leeds City councillor Nigel Francis says public safety will be at risk if Otley has to rely on fire engines travelling from Rawdon.

"We need a retained fire service in Otley but if we don't get more recruits it will be under threat.

"If it cannot be manned then safety will be at risk," he said.

Councillor Graham Kirkland, a member of the West Yorkshire Fire Authority's Executive Committee, believes the firefighters have been working on 'a knife edge' for the past ten years.

"It is a problem across the country," he said. "Retained firemen have to live and work near the fire station or be able to get there within five minutes. People who live in Otley tend to work out of the area.

"Most of the firefighters used to work in the mill, but there are so few now that finding recruits and employers that allow their staff to go at the drop of a hat, is harder.

"This problem has been around for ten years and they have been working on a knife edge. They need to recruit females but there is a problem with childcare. They won't be able to get a childminder within five minutes and get to the station.

"It is difficult because the number of people who could do it is so small. I would encourage anyone fitting the criteria to along to one of their training nights."

The drawback on gaining new employees in Otley is that the specification for recruits is that they must be able to get to the fire station on foot within five minutes.

The retained firefighters pay is also believed to be a stumbling block in gaining new recruits, but the Fire Brigade's Union is presently fighting for equal pay for them.

FBU Bradford district branch spokes-man, Sean Carhill said: "I believe a 40 per cent pay increase would make a difference. We also need to remove the difference in pay between full time and part-time firefighters and for training as well.

"Maybe if we got pay equality then more part-time fire fighters would come forward. The lack of retained fire fighters is a national problem, despite the Government's assurances that there are 40 applicants for every job.

"This is not reflected in the retained service, we are after pay equality with full time fire fighters. It is an issue which is putting the retained service under threat."

New recruits will initially be sent on a health and safety course and be taught how to run a hose.

This will lead to more training on ladders, drills, pumps and breathing apparatus.

Applicants have to be fit and they will be sent for a medical at the fire service headquarters in Leeds.

They must submit a character reference, have no criminal convictions and be aged 18-years-old or more.

Otley fire fighters usually train on a Monday night and anyone interested can join them to see what they do.

Anyone interested in becoming a fire fighter can contact Rawdon Fire Station on 0113 2502223.