Record breakers at Hothfield Junior School raised the roof to help children in need.

More than 100 youngsters at the Silsden school were in fine voice when they took part in a massive attempt to break the world record for the biggest ever sing-a-long.

The children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 joined an estimated 100,000 plus pupils across Britain taking part in the largest ever simultaneous choir.

And they were in fine voice as they performed the specially written song Tell Me Why, which has been made into a charity record featuring the young singing star Declan Galbraith.

All of the children paid £1 each to take part in the massive event, with the proceeds to be donated to Sargent Cancer Care for Children.

Music co-ordinator Suzanne Whitteron said: "The children really loved it, and considering they only had a week to practice they sang it really well.

"We have a very good parent base and they have been really supportive of this event and helped to make it a success.

"As well as raising money we hope it will make the children think of others who are less fortunate than themselves, especially over the Christmas period."

Julia Jones, Sargent's fundraiser, said: "We are thrilled that children from Hothfield have taken part in this fantastic event and cannot thank them enough for all the money they are raising to help children with cancer across the UK."

The charity funds a 100-strong team of care professionals based at treatment centres across the country.

It also provides families with practical and financial support, together with short breaks during, or after, treatment.

The school should know before Christmas if they have helped to tumble the current record that stands at 100,000 people.

If successful, Hothfield will receive a certificate to commemorate its part in the attempt.