THE village of Burnsall became a riot of colour this week, but it was nothing to do with Christmas.

Instead council officials ended up with red faces when centre white lines on the road became double yellow no-parking lines at the stroke of a brush.

It seems the faux pas was the result of a mix-up between instructions to repaint the centre lines following resurfacing work, and plans for a proposed traffic-calming scheme.

Rumours of a village uprising abounded in Craven.

The road outside the Red Lion pub was said to be blocked by cars after landlady Liz Grayshon tried to prevent the yellow lines crossing the front door of the pub.

The contractor, confused by the reaction of the villagers, gathered up the paint pots and retreated, leaving the bemused residents wondering what was going on.

"It was one of those unfortunate misunderstandings which happen from time to time, but which we hope to sort out as soon as possible," said highways divisional engineer Richard Marr. "The contractor carried out his instructions with enthusiasm, using his initiative so I have to give him 10 out of 10 for that."

He explained that what had happened was the road through Burnsall was re-tarred and chipped in the summer. Highways then asked the contractor to come back and re-paint the white lines.

In the meantime, a traffic calming scheme was proposed and is currently out to consultation.

"Someone from the traffic department had drawn a plan of the white lines, but also added on the yellow lines which are part of the calming proposals. The contractor was not to know that the yellow lines were not to be painted and thought he was doing a good job," said Mr Marr.

"I realise how the villagers must feel because it looks as if highways has just gone ahead with the scheme without waiting for the consultation period.

"What I am doing now is seeing if the proposed scheme can be hurried along. I'm reluctant to have the yellow lines burned off, particularly if there is a chance they will have to be put back in a couple of months' time.

"So I am looking at having the lines painted over in black, probably by the start of next week. If the calming proposals are okayed, it will just be a case of burning the black off.

"As they are at the moment, the lines are not covered by any legal restrictions and no-one will be penalised for parking on them," he said.

When that is done and the correct white lines are painted in the centre of the road as they should have been in the first place, the village will be back in the pink.