BUSY Bears, the Skipton nursery at the centre of the E Coli 0157 outbreak, reopened on Monday.

Only children whose tests were negative during the second round of screening were allowed to return to the nursery.

Manager Michelle Cooper told the Herald: "We are open."

One more child tested positive for E Coli 0157 bacteria during the second round, but this child has shown no symptoms.

This brings the total number of cases associated with the outbreak to 14 - 13 children and one adult.

All five children who were admitted to hospital during the incident have been discharged and are said to be doing well at home.

Ruth Horsman's two-year-old son, James, was delighted to get back to nursery on Monday.

Ruth, of Settle, said he was tested again last Wednesday and the negative results were received on Sunday night.

She said that from what she could tell most of the children had returned.

Mrs Horsman said there were still some measures in place to prevent any further spread of the disease like keeping the different age groups in their own rooms.

Dr Ebere Okereke, of North Yorkshire Health Protection Service, said: "Surveillance of neighbouring nurseries and the local community is continuing. So far, no new cases have been identified outside Busy Bears nursery.

"No source of the infection has been identified."

Measures have been put in place to ensure that any new cases are identified promptly.

These include a daily visit to the nursery by infection control nurses and a health visitor, as well as strict monitoring of infection control procedures in the nursery.