A Bingley teenager who is battling an incurable condition is raising money to help others with similar disorders.

Wheelchair user Charlotte Topliss, 13, spends every day in excruciating pain as a sufferer of the relatively-unknown condition, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Disorder (RSDD).

The disorder involves hyper-sensitivity of the sensory nerves which causes pain and immobility.

To keep her fingers moving, Charlotte, of Priestthorpe Lane, Bingley, who has no feeling in her right arm, started making brace-lets, key-rings and fridge magnets to raise funds for the Pain Unit at Sheffield Children's Hospital where she receives treatment.

Her mother Pam Topliss, who gave up her job as a dental nurse to care for Charlotte, said: "So far she's raised £210 and it's made her feel like she's giving something back and doing something positive."

The money was spent on posters for one of the wards and pain-relieving equipment.

In December Charlotte's spirits were boosted by a surprise meeting with her idol Gareth Gates when he came to Bradford to switch on the Christmas lights.

"She was in a lot of pain but the pleasure certainly out-weighed the pain," said Mrs Topliss.

Now Charlotte, who has been in and out of hospital for the past five years, is looking forward to a special visit from Gareth.

"She keeps in regular contact with Gareth's mum Wendy and they've become good friends," said Mrs Topliss.