MEMBERS of the Seidokan Karate Club lifted the silverware at the recent Tyne and Wear Open Championships.

Ben Bottomley was first in both the Under-19 mens fighting and Under-75k fighting.

Donna Leeming was third in the girls' 14-17 years fighting and Azeem Alyas won the boys Under-10 fighting.

The men's team of of Phil Bigs, Gavin Ranton and Rob Yorke won the team competition. Gavin Ranton was second in the men's junior belt fighting.

The club also enjoyed success at the three-on-three team karate championships which were held at the Hilton Hotel in London.

The team of Paul Newby, Cain Canning and ben Bottomley won the televised event for the second year, with the experienced squad showing great style to lift the title.