SIR - I am shocked to learn of the planned closure of The Priestley Centre. As a parent of a child at the Priestley Centre Saturday-morning drama lessons, I wish to state my anger and dismay.

My son has attended the classes for seven years and through the hard work and dedication of many of the staff there, including Patsy Quinn, his drama and communication skills have flourished and matured.

He, like many other children at the Priestley, will be very sorry to see it close and I am amazed that Bradford Council have not stepped forward to help to save one of the most important gems in Bradford.

A lot of hard work and effort, not to mention generously-provided funds, was recently given to help to try keep the centre alive by students, staff, parents and members of the public. I am appalled that the Council cannot look within its budget to save it.

Halina Reid, The Garth, Garforth, Leeds.

SIR - Re the January 4 piece by Mike Priestley ("Immigration tide that has to be turned").

I am a serving member in the Royal Navy and waiting to go to the Gulf if we are required to fight. I would therefore like to make the following point:

Many immigrants entering this country are from in and around Iraq and the Middle East. They receive many benefits when they enter the country.

If anything happens to me if we are called to the region, what exactly will my wife and family be entitled to from the State?

They will receive a paltry sum for a burial plus the standard war widow's pension.

After all of this, why should my wife be without a husband and my kids without a father if our country will look after and throw money at these immigrants and in real terms leave my family with nothing?

If called upon I will go, no questions asked, except one: "Who will give my loved ones asylum?"

C Byrne, HMNB, BFPO.

SIR - I should like your readers to know what a warm welcome the Baildon Parish Carol Singers received from the Baildon Co-operative store on December 21.

We really appreciated not being outside, in the cold and the rain - and were, therefore, able to sing for longer than usual.

The store's customers seemed to enjoy the singing. Some of them joined in before doing their shopping. They generously donated the splendid total of £209 for homeless people, via "Crisis" and "Shelter".

My thanks to everyone involved.

Caroline Skelton, Ferniehurst Cottage, Baildon.

SIR - Today's world is one of uncertainty, from the smallest everyday things to events at an international level. In times past, many people looked to the Bible for the hope of a certain future - a world in which righteousness and peace would prevail.

Nowadays the Bible is dismissed as irrelevant and completely outdated. But how many people have actually read it for themselves? As the clouds of war gather, perhaps some will turn again to the book that has influenced so many through the centuries.

For several years I have used the "Bible Companion", a set of Bible reading tables which help me to read the whole Bible in a year. I would be happy to send a copy, free of charge, to any of your readers who would like one, so that they may experience for themselves the joy, happiness and hope for the brighter future that the Bible offers.

Richard Benson, 40 York Road, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 1XB, (tel: 01462 457376).

SIR - I can't see what the Prime Minister has to gain by supporting possible military action against Iraq. When all is said and done it's the US that has a grievance, especially after the attacks on New York and Washington 16 months ago, thus firing up the United States into a frenzy.

It's none of Tony Blair's business. It's not his war and it's not ours.

I would suggest the Prime Minister sorts out his own country's problems and grievances before he starts to help George W Bush.

R Halliday, Crag Road, Shipley.

SIR - May I, on behalf of all the pensioners who attended the Christmas party held at Dixons City Technology College, say thank you to all concerned. A good time was had by all.

Many thanks and a happy new year to all.

D Stocking, New Cross Street, Bradford 5.