A Keighley school and Umbro have teamed up to teach pupils football skills and raise funds for new equipment.

All the children at St Andrew's Primary School were taught the basic football skills including control, passing, dribbling and teamwork. Simon Armstrong, a qualified coach from Umbro, taught the skills with the school's PE co-ordinator, Elaine Bleasby.

Mr Armstrong said: "The purpose is to make it fun but progressive at the same time by involving different games with the skills.

"The pupils are sponsored to get a certificate in five skills. No one will miss out."

Hassan Hussain, who plays football, said: "It is really good. I am finding it really interesting."

Manchester United fan Harroon Ulhaq, whose favourite player is Ruud Van Nistelrooy, said: "I am really enjoying it."

Half the money raised and the kit provided by Umbro will be given to the school. They intend to buy some indoor portable basketball hoops.

The rest of the money will go to the school football initiative.