In 1546, Martin Luther died aged 63.

In 1933, 'Gentleman Jim' Corbett, prizefighter and world boxing champion, died.

In 1954, Film actor John Travolta was born.

From the Telegraph & Argus of February 18th, 1978...

Queensbury branch Labour Party wants the village to have a parish council and has written to Bradford Council's chief executive Gordon Moore asking for support. "There is a real sense of community within this area, situated 1,100 feet above sea level, and with needs so different from the remainder of Bradford Metropolitan District," the letter stated.

From the Telegraph & Argus of February 18th, 1953...

TRADE NOTICES: Firewood Bundles. Immediate delivery of big clean bundles. Delivered in reels. A trial solicited. No better value. We deliver anywhere this paper circulates. Write, call or phone JAMES REDMAYNE, 18, Ash Street, Otley Road, Bradford. Phone Bradford 20966.