City are poised to sign a new player - Tom Kearney.

The combative midfielder, pictured, is bang on course for some action before the end of the season.

And boss Nicky Law compares the youngster's return from a cruciate ligament injury to bringing in a fresh face to the Bantams squad.

Law said: "Tom's been out so long that it will be just like signing a player.

"It's great to see Tom just starting back on the training ground. He's doing some very light ball work and hopefully he'll be all right to make an appearance before the season is over."

Kearney, who suffered the serious injury against Grimsby on August 24, believes the time has gone by surprisingly quickly.

He said: "It makes everything worthwhile when you get a ball at your feet again.

"I'm back at Lilleshall a week on Monday for my fifth trip down there and hopefully my last. I've enjoyed doing the training but I've probably done enough miles on the bike to qualify for the next Olympics!

"I'm not going to rush anything, though. I'm looking to get a game in this season but I'll play it by ear.

"I've been lucky that there have been no set-backs and I've just got to make sure I don't push it too far.

"The lads have picked up again in the league which has made it easier. The next three games are crucial and if we get something from them it should be a nice end to the season."

Kearney signed a one-year contract that runs out in the summer. Once he is back and has proved his fitness, City will be keen to sit down for talks.