Florence Pipe and pal Monica Mitchell celebrated 192 years between them during a double birthday party.

Family and friends joined the event at the Beckfield Day centre, in Bolton Lane, for Mrs Pipe who is 100 and 92-year-old Mrs Mitchell.

The pals are Friday visitors at the centre where they have become friends. Mrs Pipe lives with her daughter Barbara Robinson in Great Horton. She is a former dinner lady at Belle Vue School when it was in Manningham Lane. Mrs Robinson, said: "She has a three-year-old great grandson called Jack who she adores. He really keeps her going."

Mrs Mitchell, of Fagley, used to work in the mills and retired as a university cleaner at 67.

Meanwhile, a telegram from the Queen made Alice Kay's day at Hollybank Nursing Home in Clayton, where she celebrated her 100th birthday.

Her nephew Bill Redmond and family travelled from Milton Keynes for the celebrations. Mrs Kay, of Lidget Green, used to work at Lister Mills, Manningham. Bradford. Mr Redmond, said: "It was a lovely day. I have been joking with her for years that we were desperate to get a telegram."