A Bradford inventor is hoping to be included in a special edition of BBC hit quiz show The Weakest Link.

Pensioner Eddie Holden, an inventor of more than 30 years, has set his sights on featuring in an inventors and boffins special.

Mr Holden, pictured, hit the headlines in the Telegraph & Argus for creating the Holden Highlights Lightbulb Exchanger - a device for removing light bulbs from high ceilings - and a squirrel spinner, a gadget to prevent squirrels eating birds' nuts. But he has also invented a flashing lollipop for school crossings, a 'whoosh machine' to propel pigeons from perches on buildings, a golf club trolley wheel-cleaning attachment and a telescopic lightbulb changer.

His latest challenge is to appear on the popular teatime show and face the wrath of acid-tongued Anne Robinson.

"I wrote to the programme last week suggesting they did an all-inventors show and they rang me back and asked me if there was any possibility that I could inquire about any other inventors around the Bradford district who might be interested if the show idea went ahead," said Mr Holden, of Bell Dean Road in Allerton, Bradford.

Eight or nine years ago, Mr Holden ran an inventors club which met at the Shoulder of Mutton pub in Piccadilly, Bradford. He is hoping past members might be interested in contacting him.

"Unfortunately, I have lost touch with members now, but it would be good if they could contact me if they would be interested," he said.

And Mr Holden, 62, is quietly confident that he would do well, if invited on to the show.

"I can answer the questions at home like everyone else, sitting on my couch," he said. "But I expect it is totally different when you are in a studio with the pressure on.

"I think Anne Robinson is brilliant but I can imagine why people are terrified of her - she's very charismatic and does get quite personal with her insults, but good on her. Isn't it going to be interesting to see a group of inventors battle it out?"

A spokesman from the Weakest Link said: "An inventors and boffins show has always been an idea - it is on a list as part of a number of on-going specials and has not yet been confirmed."

Interested inventors are asked to call Mr Holden on Bradford (01274) 814786.