Woolen underwear and loft insulation were among innovative ideas showcased at a Bradford conference.

About 200 delegates from more than 17 countries came to hear how wool is attempting to market itself as the fabric of the future. The conference, due to end today, brought together fashion designers, dyers, scientists and marketing bosses.

They were told the industry had a bright future and was at the cutting edge of fabrics in terms of design, practicality and scientific innovation.

Speaker Linda Szpala, a wool specialist at Marks & Spencer, said her firm was keen to promote wool, and delegates heard how new fine wools were popular in the fashion world.

Barry Whitaker, director of Bradford textile machinery firm Allertex, organised the conference. He said "Our challenge is to take on the younger generation and put the thought of wool fashion in their minds. We have to show them that wool can be cool."

Delegates heard how wool is now being used in bed manufacturing and even loft insulation. Mr Whitaker said he was particularly impressed by new 'Smart Textiles' being made in New Zealand, which included cloth with keyboards woven into the fabric.

Dr Nigel Johnson, of Wronz Inc, said his firm was developing outdoor wear which could monitor and adapt to the wearer's body temperatures and the climate around them.