An award-winning Bingley policeman today paid tribute to a 'bobby's best friend'.

Dog handler PC Steve Wilson scooped a top accolade after arresting dozens of criminals with the help of his four-legged partners springer spaniel Jazz, pictured, and alsatian Kai.

Having been named as West Yorkshire Police Dog Handler of the Year, PC Wilson said many of these offenders would have escape without his canine colleagues' intervention.

His senior officers selected him for the award because of his consistently high work rate, the number of arrests he secured and his enthusiasm to work.

With the help of Kai, PC Wilson made more than 35 arrests last year.

And with sniffer dog Jazz, he has played a central role within the Bradford District Drugs Team having searched 22 properties and uncovering illegal stashes in 15 of them.

He said that the dogs, which both live with him, have now become part of his family.

"I think it's the best job in the force and I love it. I wouldn't swap it for any other," he said.