Hundreds of residents on the Ravenscliffe estate today pleaded: "Leave our homes alone."

A petition bearing the names of 370 residents has been collected by campaigners opposing plans to revamp the estate.

They claim their homes have all been well-maintained over the years and should not be included in plans to knock down huge swathes of the estate to allow developers to move in.

They were stunned at a recent open day at Ravenscliffe where the future plans - including the threat of bulldozers moving in - were unveiled for the first time.

The proposals included 700 new homes - 500 for sale and 200 for rent in a £60 million revamp which would also see it re-named Holywell Village.

The plans come after the Council's 26,000 homes were transferred in a £75 million deal to Bradford Community Housing Trust to try to revamp its run-down housing stock.

Ron Howell, pictured, of the Ravenscliffe Community Association, said: "When we voted to transfer our houses to the trust we were told we would get new kitchens, new bathrooms.

"There was never any mention that our homes could be demolished. These plans are new and unacceptable to many of us."

Under the new plans, his home and around 200 others will be demolished to make way for the revamped estate.

But he claimed there has been no more details of what will happen afterwards and that was leading to widespread suspicions.

"Many of these houses have just had double glazing put in," he said.

"Some residents have only just bought their homes and there was no mention of demolition then.

" There is no way I shall leave - they will have to evict me before I go."

He accepts there are many homes which are boarded up and derelict but says "selective" demolition could be one way forward. He also says people who do want to leave the estate should be allowed to do so with the £1,500 relocation package which has already been publicised.

His own semi-detached in Damon Avenue, where he has lived for more than 30 years, has had recent double-glazing and the garden has won awards from Bradford Council.

Mr Howell was handing in the petition to BCHT today.

Jez Lester, BCHT Group Director of Investment and Regeneration, said: "We're happy to receive this petition expressing the residents' views as part of the consultation process.

"We will be sharing all the feedback with the community in the near future."

He said a Steering Group will soon be set up with a view to finding the best way forward.

"That Steering Group will be drawn from a wide spectrum of interested parties and will include tenants, residents, the North Bradford Community Housing Trust and the developers."