A Skipton teenager has launched a fundraising appeal for patients of a hospice, which is looking after her mother.

Thirteen-year-old Sarah Timmins wants to raise money to fund CD players and relaxation CDs at Manorlands Hospice, Oxenhope.

Her mother Jane, 41, who has both breast and bone cancer, is currently receiving respite care at the hospice and on her visits to see her Sarah noticed that there was just one CD player between 14 rooms.

Sarah, and her mother, are both music lovers. "She said it was the thing that she missed the most when she first went into Manorlands," Sarah explained.

She would also like to buy some wall clocks to cheer up the rooms. She said that while the hospice had great facilities, she thought the rooms were quite bare and she would like to see them more like home.

Sarah, a Skipton Girls' High School pupil, has already organised a 'dress the teacher' competition and sold yellow flowers to raise £110 for the appeal.

But with the support of her father, Martin, and brother Kevin, 15, she would like to raise more. Using their skills in African drumming and dancing they are hoping Skipton residents will dig deep.

They are hoping to host a couple of busking sessions in the High Street and sell yellow flowers to raise money.

And Sarah will also be performing at Manorlands' garden party in July, where she will be dancing with some school friends to Tatu's "All the things she said". She will also be doing some poi dancing - a majorette-style dance using ribbons and weights.

But a special moment will be when the whole family, including Jane, gets together to perform African drumming for a half hour session.

"I just want to bring a little bit of happiness to my mum, and people like her," Sarah said, adding that fundraising was helping her cope with her mother's illness. "My mum thinks it's excellent."

Jane was diagnosed with breast cancer in February last year, and underwent a masectomy to remove the lump. Unfortunately the cancer then spread to her spine, and despite chemotherapy is untreatable.

She now undergoes pain treatment to help her cope with the condition, and to give her better quality of life.

At Manorlands Sarah is allowed to stay with her mother while she undergoes treatment and also spend time with counsellors.

She said that the hospice was fantastic but although she has raised money for it in the past, she wanted this money to benefit the patients directly.

Anyone who has any relaxation CDs they would like to give to Sarah's appeal, or a donation, should ring her on 01756 791208.