A row has erupted over a public inquiry into plans for a £110 million business park on a golf course.

The proposal by Landmark Development project is expected to create about 5,000 jobs on the green fields off Rooley Lane.

It would swallow up fields at West Bowling Golf Club and put its 300-year-old listed club house on a roundabout.

But even before the inquiry starts, objectors have written to Government officers protesting because the date has been fixed at November 11.

David Robinson of the West Bowling Golf Club Preservation Group said it would pre-empt a current public inquiry into land use across the entire district.

The mammoth hearing into Bradford Council's unitary development plan is not due to end until about July and it could take more than a year for inspectors to come to conclusions.

West Bowling Preservation Group say it is wrong to hold the inquiry at a time when the future use of the land is uncertain. Mr Robinson said: "We received a letter notifying us of a pre-inquiry on July 21 when venues for the inquiry would be considered. But we have replied that the date should be deferred."

The land is designated for light industrial use and the proposals would not comply as there would be a B&Q store and housing, as well as the business park.

But the Council's new proposal would mean the business park could go ahead, if approved at the UDP inquiry.

A spokesman for the developers said they did not want to comment on the November inquiry.

The scheme caused controversy last year when Bradford Area Panel rejected two planning applications for the scheme.

But the Council's regulatory and appeals committee overturned the panel's decision referring the application to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, saying members wanted it to be approved.