A Guiding stalwart has stepped down after more than half a century with the movement.

Mrs Enid Broadbent, who for the past 17 years has been Brown Owl with Sutton Brownie pack, retired this week.

A farewell pack meeting was held at Bizzie Lizzies fish and chip restaurant in Skipton on Wednesday evening. Enid, who joined the movement as a young Brownie in 1946, told us she was sad to be relinquishing her uniformed role - a requirement on reaching her 65th birthday.

But she hopes to continue to support the organisation. "I have enjoyed my years in Guiding and I will miss the children and the other Guiders - there's quite a camaraderie," said Enid, who lives at Glusburn.

After serving as a Brownie and then a Guide with the Eastbrook Hall group in Bradford, she moved to St Stephen's at West Bowling where she became a Guide Lieutenant.

She married in 1961, and then took up the post of Tawny Owl and later Brown Owl at St Barnabas' in Heaton, where she stayed for over 20 years until moving to the Sutton pack.

Enid, who is married to John, has seen all four of her children - two sons and two daughters - involved in either the Scout or Guide movements. And the family connection with Sutton Brownies will be maintained.

One of Enid's daughters, Julie Smith, who has helped out at pack meetings for almost a decade, is taking over the Brown Owl role.